Moon Robots Heroes & Lands reveal date and details

Moon Robots
4 min readSep 15, 2022


Moon Robots and the community of Harmony are happy to announce that robots will be revealed on September 26th. After the fusing event, only ~7100 Robots are left but we are well prepared for future multichain expansion (Q1/23) and breeding quests (Q1/23).

More than 90M $OIL has been claimed & collected since the Robo-eggs were launched. But the time of massive oil emission is soon to pass. Robots unlike eggs will require $OIL to go on the quests. All unclaimed colours and regular rewards on eggs will be burned during the reveal.

What’s inside the eggs

Inside each egg is one of a kind robot that could be one of 7 different races, 3 different professions and 3 elements. The reveal interface will display what robots you have got. Reveal window will 3 before the game soft launch

As you know, if you have the max level of your rarity group you will get a robot with higher stats than other robots that will be hatched from lower-level eggs.

Moon Robot

All heroes have EXP, HP, SP, STR, DEX, and INT. The value of these parameters depends on the level of your egg. So leveling your egg gives not only cosmetics but real game-implicated stats.

Robots get experience from quests and upgrades automatically when reached the next level. Each time robot upgrades random stat increases.

Health (HP)
Depending on their Skill level, Robots can sustain Damage. If not repaired, terminally damaged Robots can shut down or even die during Quests.

Stamina (SP)
Robots will lose Stamina when going on Quests which can be replenished by resting, charging or using Power Cells.

Strength (STR)
Affects performance in Harvesting Quests

Agility (AGI)
Affects performance in Breeding Quests

Intelligence (INT)
Affects performance in Scavenging Quests

Game mechanics

The game will be launched shortly (3–4 weeks) after the reveal where everyone will be able to send robots on quests to gather items that are spent in the land upgrades. Land generates locked and unlocked oil. The amount of unlocked oil during the soft launch does not exceed the oil spent on the quest, the amount of locked oil will be determined by the community vote.

The price of the quest will be determined before the game starts, we want to make sure that the price of the quest is well tuned to the supply and demand of items on the market, and subject to change during the soft stage.

Few words from the team

Despite the hack, we are delivering the best game experience ever and working hard to feel the void that emerges on Harmony after all these events. The community has so far bootstrapped 4200 USD on liquidity in ONE. We are extremely delighted by such support without financial incentive except for commission from the exchange.

While the fate of 140k unpegged USDC remains unclear and staking contracts and lp staking are preserved for better market conditions, we remain strong, and with community support, we can bootstrap all the liquidity back, and we are doing our best to build the most efficient roadmap and find strategic partnership to help moon robots get more momentum.

See you on the moon

$OIL Token:
Game Stats:


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