NFT-Powered Economy Game with Strategy & RPG Elements
Moon Robots is a cross-chain economy strategy P2E game with RPG elements launching on Harmony One blockchain that utilizes NFTs and the $OIL token. Moon Robot’s game lore with elements of strategy go beyond the simple “stake to earn” or “hold to earn” mechanics that can be seen in other P2E games. In this game players are able to set their own pace and master their own tactics to earn $OIL.
The whitelist pre-mint phase is open until April 12, 2022, 23.59 UTC. Whitelist tickets can be obtained from various activities on the Discord server, or they can be purchased from the following secondary NFT markets:
Whitelisted users will receive a maximum discount of 10% on the original minting price in addition to a guarantee of allocation during the minting phase.
Moon Robots
Genesis Moon Robots are NFT heroes that players can collect, breed, and trade. Before becoming heroes, however, the Robots start off as Robo-Eggs. The Eggs can be upgraded with the $OIL token. Why upgrade them? Robots hatched from leveled-up Eggs have a higher chance of receiving favorable stats such as strength, agility, and intelligence while increasing their rarity factor. Heroes are each unique in shape, skills, rarity, and stats. This game mechanic incentivizes users to adopt hero-specific tactics as each one presents different advantages and disadvantages in the Moon Robot ecosystem. As mentioned previously, players that pay $OIL to upgrade their Eggs will also generate some $OIL in the process! Additionally, upgraded Eggs will also generate $OIL during the travel period to the moon. Players can also build teams of multiple heroes to engage in quests to mine $OIL and collect valuable items.
In addition to stats, Moon Robots also come in different model types, known as Races and Elements. Once hatched, each Robot will be assigned a race that will remain permanent. What is the utility behind such races? They determine the maximum initial value of certain stats that a Robot can have in addition to the probability of finding items during quests. Elements on the other hand are a property that can be changed using a rare item known as a Transmutation Circuit. Similar to races, Elements provide a player with certain skill advantages in addition to a higher likelihood of finding certain items during quests.
Heroes are also breedable, which allows players to create higher-generation Robots via collaboration between different players in addition to increasing demand for already rare Genesis Moon Robots. To breed such Moon Robots, one will need at least two in their possession. The minting process for the Genesis Robo-Eggs is scheduled for mid-April, which means that the Moon Robots will hatch in mid-May.
Players will be able to send their Moon Robots on quests for $OIL and other valuable items and resources. Naturally, Robots will require some $OIL to work. You can either pay with $OIL directly or stake your $OIL to receive $ENERGY which functions as an alternative payment method.
The performance of Robot Heroes during quests depends on their skills, stats, and other factors. Without proper rest, charging, or consumption of power cells, Robots will lose their stamina while going on quests. Depending on their skill level, Robots can also sustain damage while going on quests. If left unrepaired, terminally-damaged Robots can shut down or even die during a quest. Fortunately, Genesis Robots have an advantage over the rest of the generations since they can be resurrected using items found during quests or crafted later.
Items scavenging
Items are tradable NFTs. When going on a Quest, your Moon Robot can bring back random items of different types. Collecting land rewards sometimes yields Items as well. Items come in different categories:
- Batteries, power packs, etc.
- Drill bits, pickaxes, mining equipment, etc.
- Gears, cogwheels, bolts, etc.
- Crystals, shards, etc.
- And more exotic categories of Items
Certain rare items can also be crafted from more common items. Additionally, the rarity of items that Robots can collect strongly corresponds to the rarity of said Robots scavenging for the items. That is to say, common Robots have a lower chance of obtaining a rare item when compared to their higher rarity Robot counterparts. As mentioned previously, the Element of a Robot also plays a role in the items they find. Electric Robots for example tend to find Azure Crystals more often than Amber Crystals.
Robots can be assigned to oil rigs owned by other players (or themselves) to earn $OIL. When it comes to earning $OIL, certain stats such as strength in addition to harvesting skills determine how much a Robot can harvest. Each oil rig is assigned an Element, and matching a Robot with the same Element as its oil rig will increase its performance.
Having liquidity in the same oil rig pool as your Robot can boost your Liquidity Mining APY by increasing your weight in the pool while also boosting the percent of the mined rewards to be unlocked.
Moon Land
Moon Land sale will occur once the Eggs reach the moon. Items found by Moon Robots during Quests and Item Scavenging can be used to upgrade land to get more $OIL.
Landowners will be able to rent out their Moon Lands to other players. Rent is paid in $OIL and the amount is determined by the current market rate. Renters will also get a share of $OIL generated by the Land they rent. This rent amount is also determined by the current market rate. Our team believes that given the variance in harvesting opportunity for each Moon Land plot, a single pricing model for renters and shareholder rewards would lead to market inefficiencies. By allowing the market to determine the renting rates and other values, each property can present players with different earning opportunities. Such a model also promotes competition between land providers, which lowers or raises rent fees depending on the market demand for each respective plot.
$OIL token
$OIL token is the native currency of Moon Robots. $OIL token can be swapped for any other token on the Harmony blockchain using a decentralized exchange. Listing on a CEX (Binance, Kucoin, Bitmart, etc.) is planned, but will probably not be implemented for some time as the LP staking model might be able to provide sufficient liquidity while providing a fairer token distribution.
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